Weekly Round-Up April 24 - 30
Now, we know that the arts can be a tough working environment and a glass of wine can often remedy some of the stress. Especially when offered at openings, galas, and other events on the regular (give us free snacks & drinks and we're there!). But maybe we should stop and think how our industry's easy access to alcohol impacts the creative workforce. Read on for more Words That Lingered this week. We're also looking forward to browsing LMCC's open studios this coming weekend and for the job hunters among you, as always, we've got you covered.
“Performing artists and those in the performing arts are more likely to consume alcohol on a weekly basis than those in the general population, and when they drink they tend to drink more than do members of the general population.”
— Greta Bradman, "How creatives can stop drinking themselves to death" by Richard Watts
Reads and Feeds: Words That Lingered
How creatives can stop drinking themselves to death, Richard Watts, ArtsHub; You know the drill, a glass of wine here for the exhibition opening, several cocktails there for the gala, a glass to wind down after a busy work event. We might not think about it, but they all add up. Watts holds a mirror up to our faces and our industry in this enlightening article.
Contemporary art dominates US museums, our visitor severs confirm, Julia Halperin, The Art Newspaper; Museums with historic collections are increasingly facing the challenge of creating interest in the art of the past while satisfying the audience's appetite for the contemporary.
How sign language innovators are bringing music to the deaf, Estelle Caswell, Vox; did you ever wonder how music looks in American Sign Language (ASL)? lyrics look in iscusses how the eighth woman to win a Pulitzer Prize in Music since its founding in 1943, is a sign that gender imbalance within contemporary music could be on the cusp once again.
9 Brutal Truths Every Millennial Looking for Job Needs to Hear (It Will Put Things in Perspective), Nicolas Cole, Inc.com; an article that will either leave you reeling with rage or re-thinking a job hunt. Or if you're like us, agreeing with some points and saying "yeh, but not in the arts" to others. Either way, it's worth a read.
How Ariel Kennan Solves NYC's Most Intractable Design Problems, Doreen Lorenzo, Co.Design; Keenan heads the design and product team for Mayor Bill de Blasio and is re-thinking the way NYC uses design as a service.
This Week Around Town
Modern Mondays: An Evening with Ian Cheng
This screening and discussion with Ian Cheng marks the completion of his Emissary trilogy, recently acquired by MoMA, and on view at MoMA PS1, April 9–September 10, 2017. Emissary comprises a trio of Cheng’s “live simulations,” animations that explore the evolution of cognition and the ecological conditions that shape it.
7:00pm; MoMA, 11 W 53rd St., New York, NY; Tickets $8-12, free for members
Poetry reading with Mark Solomon, Lee Sharkey, Martha Zweig, and Marc Kaminsky
To soothe the soul we always recommend a poetry reading, and BookCulture this week is presenting a wonderful line-up of poets sharing the words and thoughts this week at BookCulture by Columbia University.
7:00pm; BookCulture, 536 W 112th St, New York, NY; Free.
How I Got Over: Lynn Nottage, Kate Whoriskey and 'Sweat' on Broadway
Hear this year's Pulitzer winner Lynn Nottage and director Kate Whoriskey, who collaborated on Nottage's play 'Sweat', talk about race and exploring what it means when a social construct becomes the social order.
7:00pm; The Greene Space, 44 Charlton Street, New York, NY; Admission $15
Artist/Admin: The Labor of Love
This group discussion will explore how love works in art. Topics that we will engage with include the idea of “pursuing one’s passion"; some best practices of sustainable collaboration; and ways to reshape institutions by using levers of power.
6:30pm - 8:30pm; CUE Art Foundation, 137 West 25th St, New York, NY; Free (RSVP required)
Private Tour: ICP's Perpetual Revolution with Erin Barnett (for POWarts Members)
Receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the International Center of Photography's current exhibition exploring revolutions in political, social and technological spheres. The show is only closes on May 7th, so go see it before it ends.
6:30pm - 7:30pm; ICP, 250 Bowery, New York, NY; POWarts Members only
LMCC Open Studios with Workspace Artists-in-Residence
The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) kicks off its public season by inviting the public to visit the studios of LMCC’s 32 Workspace artists-in-residence!
6:00pm - 9:00pm; 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY; Free
Digitizing the Performing Arts
A detailed study and assessment of opportunities, issues and challenges by the Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA) of the digital economy and its impact on the performing arts. To skim read or truly dive in!
The Hunt
- Digital Strategist, 21C Media Group
- Performing and Literary Arts Applicants for Immigrant Artist Program, NYFA.org
- Email Marketing Coordinator, Guggenheim Museum
- Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: Performing and Literary Arts, NYFA.org
- Product Manager at Artsy, LinkedIn